Ubuntu Baby Carriers are rated 5 stars on Trustindex.
- We recommend a weight limit of 12kgs for our Stage 1 carrier.
- We recommend a weight limit of 20kgs for our Stage 2 carrier.
- Always keep one arm tightly around your baby while putting on your carrier.
- Always inspect your carrier for wear or damage before use.
- Never use a carrier with any sign of defect or damage.
- Maintain a clear air space for baby to breathe at all times.
- Never allow your baby’s chin to drop onto their chest as this can restrict their airway.
- Always be aware of baby’s breathing.
- Avoid babywearing in situations where it would not be safe to carry an infant in arms.
- Take special care when leaning, never bend at the waist, bend at knees.
- Do not strap baby too tight against your body.
- Allow room for head movement.
- Keep baby’s face free from obstructions at all times.
- We recommend that you always follow the T.I.C.K.S. rule for safe babywearing.